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2020 Census: University of Central Arkansas

The U.S. Census is conducted every 10 years to obtain a complete count of everyone that lives in a community (not just citizens, voters, adults, etc). College students are an essential part of a complete count but are classified as a "hard to count population" because the majority are young and mobile which makes their data difficult to capture. Sometimes students don't respond because there is confusion about the process or students may not think the Census is something that concerns them. The city of Conway and Faulkner County needs college students to respond to the Census to ensure a complete count, so spread that word #BearsCount and be sure to ask a librarian if you have any questions.

Three Things Bears Need to Know About the Census

  • Determines representation and funding
  • Data drives decisions made at all levels


  • Takes approximately 10 minutes to complete
  • Responses can be submitted online, on the phone, or by mail

  • Your responses are confidential, as required by Title 13 of the U.S. Code
  • The citizenship question is NOT on the Census