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ACAD 1300 Instructor Guide

In-Class Activity


For this activity, split the class into small groups of four or five. The students are prompted to read and evaluate a source using a Google Form that guides them through the RADAR criteria.

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will describe and categorize the information that can be gained by close scrutiny of a source in order to engage with the idea the frame "information creation as a process"
  • Students will consider the authority of the author and of the source to engage with the frame "authority is constructed/contextual."

Final Assignment


For this assignment, each student will work on their own to complete the worksheets provided.

You may want to assign the students who were in the same small group to the same topic (even though they will be completing this assignment independently) so that all of the students do not select the same topic and you wind up seeing the same sources repeatedly.

Each student will turn in one copy of the "scenarios" worksheet and six copies of the "RADAR" worksheet (two sources each for three different scenarios).

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will use the knowledge gained from engaging with the frames "information creation as process" and "authority is constructed and contextual" to determine which type of source to use in a specific scenario and explain why they selected that particular source.
  • Students will use the knowledge gained from engaging with the frames "information creation as process" and "authority is constructed and contextual" to critically evaluate sources using the RADAR method and identify parts of a citation.