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Finals Week Toolkit

Fueling your Body

Finals can be a stressful time, and it can be tempting to guzzle down energy drinks and scarf down any salty or sugary snack within a five mile radius to keep going. But your brain needs nutrition to function right, and retain all the info you're working so hard to study. So here are some healthy tips to keep you going without the caffeine crash.

Drink Plenty of Water

While no one is going to begrudge anyone a cup of coffee or tea for a nice pick me up, make sure to supplement with plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Dehydration can cause you to feel sluggish, make it hard to memorize info, and even increase anxiety symptoms. Torreyson Library has plenty of water fountains and even some bottle fill stations to help keep you going while you study.

Eat the Right Snacks

In moderation, a few chips and a couple pieces of candy can serve as a nice reward for working hard, but make sure you're also filling up with things your body needs to stay healthy. UCA nutritionist, Nathan Slinkard, recommends these types of foods to combat stress and to help you study:

Complex Carbs: Things like whole grain breads, pastas, oatmeal, and cereals can help keep blood sugar levels steady and provide a nice full feeling so you can focus on taking those tests and not on feeling hungry. The glucose that these carbs make are the kinds that help your brain function without the sugar crash from things like sweets or chips.

Protein: Foods like fish, meat, mixed nuts, avocados, and yogurt contain lots of protein that your body needs to keep on going. Protein can help you feel full, fight off fatigue, reduce stress, and give your memory a boost!

Citrus Fruits & Berries: These fruits provide a sweet, fresh snack while also containing vitamins, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that can increase mental acuity. Try fruits like oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries.

Dark Chocolate: Reward yourself with an indulgent and healthy snack with a few pieces of dark chocolate. The antioxidants and natural stimulants provide a pick me up to keep you going while also having the benefit of being delicious. Just remember to keep it to about an ounce a day.

Many thanks to UCA Dietitian Nathan Slinkard for helping us compile these tips!