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Nutrition and Family Sciences Guide


Types of Search Tools at UCA

Search Tool Useful For... Not Useful for...
  • A general search of the library's resources
  • Testing a topic to see if there is enough material
  • Performing an advanced search for a narrow topic
  • Quickly finding scholarly, peer-reviewed articles for a research paper
  • Finding newspapers
Academic Search Complete
  • Targeted searching of peer-reviewed articles
  • Searching for a narrowed topic using AND, OR, and NOT (Boolean Operators)
  • Finding books
  • Finding newspapers
ProQuest Central
  • Targeted searching of newspaper articles and some peer-reviewed articles
  • Searching for a narrowed topic using AND, OR, and NOT (Boolean Operators)
  • Finding ONLY peer-reviewed articles (ProQuest databases include Blogs and Websites as well as newspapers and trade journals. These ARE NOT scholarly resources.)


What Kind of Resource is This?

Resource Type Explanation
Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
  • Authoritative article that has been through an extensive process of professional scrutiny
  • Explores an original research topic or inquiry
  • Good for supporting and enhancing your opinions and knowledge of a topic
Magazine or Trade Journal (Not peer-reviewed)
  • Often referred to as "popular sources"
  • Very current, but less authoritative than peer-reviewed sources
  • Good for getting ideas about a topic or as a source of opinions
Newspaper Article
  • Focused on current events
  • Covers a wide variety of topics
  • Good source of both national and local events
Book Reviews (Not peer-reviewed)
  • May appear in a scholarly journal but IS NOT a peer-reviewed article
  • Useful to know what experts in a field think about a book
  • May help you find books useful to your research


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