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Understanding Information Literacy (MGMT3355)

Better Searchs for Better Results

The easiest way to find "good" sources is to construct a "good" search for information. Google--and other search engines--is great for a quick search, but it can also be used for powerful, targeted searching that can eliminate or minimize irrelevant results.

Use Quotes

Surrounding a phrase in quotation marks indicates that the words should be searched as a phrase, in the exact order in which you've listed them.

Ex: mental health day vs. "mental health day"

Use Operators (AND, OR)

Replacing unnecessary words with "AND" and/or "OR" will generate more precise search results. This is similar to how you would search a database.

Using keywords also reduces the likelihood of unintentional bias in your searches.

Ex: Should employees be allowed to take mental health days vs. mental health day AND employee wellbeing

  • The first phrase may unintentionally express some skepticism that mental health days qualify as a reason for employees to get paid leave. In addition, the vague phrasing encourages the search engine to assume that you are searching for personal information about how to take a mental health day.
  • The second phrase narrows the search parameters and does not provide the opportunity for the search engine to assume that mental health days need justification. Rather, this search provides fact sheets, articles, and blog posts about mental health in the workplace. It also encourages the search engine to suggest mental health organizations where you can pursue more facts.

Search specific sites or domains

Specify a site or domain for your search using "site:"

  • Don't put space between "site:" and your search location.

Ex: mental health only searched for articles about mental health on the Harvard Business Review site

Ex: mental health searches for the term "mental health" on government webpages

Search for related sites

If you find a good, reputable site, use "related:" to find sites that are similar

Ex: will bring up a list of sites that people may consult in addition to Harvard Business Review.

Search within a range of numbers

Quickly narrow a date range by putting two periods between a range of numbers.

Ex: mental health 2018..2020 will search for articles about mental health published between 2018 and 2020 on

You can also search just one year by putting two periods and a single number

Ex: mental health ..2020