Goal 1: Advance the academic excellence of UCA by providing equitable access to quality and diverse services, spaces, technology, expertise, and information resources.
Strengthen library services and collections to support intellectual curiosity and remove existing or potential barriers to information discovery and delivery.
Establish a centralized collection for the preservation and increased visibility of UCA’s scholarly output.
Create versatile, well-maintained spaces that meet the evolving needs of the campus community.
Goal 2: Instruct and empower individuals to think critically about how they engage with information as well as information-seeking tools and technology.
Foster collaborative relationships with faculty for the promotion of student success.
Evaluate library learning objectives, programs, and digital presence along with the University’s curriculum to strategically align with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Framework.
Identify and integrate relevant trends and tools that affect information-seeking behaviors.
Library Value
Goal 3: Amplify the library’s impact on campus, in Arkansas, and in the larger library community through instruction, partnerships, engagement, and outreach.
Increase awareness and understanding of the library’s services and resources.
Promote the value of libraries in higher education and their role in supporting student learning and intellectual freedom.
Expand our reach and expertise by developing partnerships with campus and community organizations.
Contribute to a sense of belonging and inclusiveness through engaged service and a people-first approach.
Organizational Effectiveness
Goal 4: Respond to the evolving opportunities and challenges affecting higher education, libraries, and our community.
Meet the needs of the UCA community by thoughtfully allocating budgetary funds and exploring additional revenue sources.
Recruit, develop, and retain skilled employees, and ensure continuity of service through training, documentation, a positive work environment, and equitable distribution of work.
Reconsider existing library workspaces and conditions to accommodate physical and cognitive needs.
Balance necessary data collection with library users’ rights to confidentiality, privacy, and security through policies, training, technology, and advocacy.
Cultivate a proactive approach to planning, reflection, and preparedness.