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Black Lives Matter

Unequivocally and without caveat: Black Lives Matter. This LibGuide is here to help connect people with resources and information they may be looking for on the subject of Black Lives Matter.

What Can I Do?


Here are some resources if you want to get involved, but this is by no means an exhaustive list. Everyone has unique talents and skills to bring to the table, so each person should play to their strengths. Find something that fits with yours, or get involved with a local organization and ask them what help they need.

I Want to Join a Protest

Protesting injustice is a constitutional right in the United States and a great way to make your voice heard. Make sure you know your rights and the best way to protest safely, including staying hydrated, wearing a mask to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and using sunscreen.

A special note to non-black allies: Remember, support the black leaders and voices there and follow their lead. You are there to be an ally and offer support, not to drown out the black voices that need to be at the forefront.

I Want to Donate

There are plenty of deserving places in need of funding, from funds to pay for legal assistance to funeral expenses and everything in between. It’s important to do your homework though, as there are unfortunately scams out there trying to masquerade as legitimate operations. Huffpost has a great article with tips to make sure your money is going to reputable sources. You can also do some research and see if someone in your community has set up a way to help too. If no one has, maybe that can be you!

Don’t have money to spare? There’s still a way to help!
Youtuber Zoe Amira has created a YouTube Video where all the ad revenue is donated “the associations that offer protester bail funds, help pay for family funerals, and advocacy”. Make sure to turn off any ad-blockers, let the ads play (don’t skip!), and mix it into your Youtube viewing (if you watch it back to back it doesn’t earn money according to several sources). Plus the video features the amazing talents of black artists, so it’s a win-win! Check out the link here:

I Want to Contact My Representatives

This is a vital and important step in supporting black lives matter. Let your voice be heard and contact your mayors, governors, representatives, and senators.

Don’t know what to say? Check some of these resources and demand these changes as their constituent:

It cannot be stressed enough that you have to VOTE. Some people face hurdles and voter suppression, so if you are one of those that does not face those it is your duty to go and vote for those whose voices aren’t being heard.