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Black Lives Matter

Unequivocally and without caveat: Black Lives Matter. This LibGuide is here to help connect people with resources and information they may be looking for on the subject of Black Lives Matter.

Defining White Privilege

The term “white privilege” has been used frequently, but it is often misunderstood. White privilege does not mean that a white person has not experienced any hardships, setbacks or struggles in their life: it means their race did not play a part in those difficulties.

“Race doesn't really exist for you because it has never been a barrier. Black folks don't have that choice.”
― Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah

“To be white, or straight, or male, or middle class is to be simultaneously ubiquitious and invisible. You’re everywhere you look, you’re the standard against which everyone else is measured. You’re like water, like air. People will tell you they went to see a “woman doctor” or they will say they went to see “the doctor.” People will tell you they have a “gay colleague” or they’ll tell you about a colleague. A white person will be happy to tell you about a “Black friend,” but when that same person simply mentions a “friend,” everyone will assume the person is white. Any college course that doesn’t have the word “woman” or “gay” or “minority” in its title is a course about men, heterosexuals, and white people. But we call those courses “literature,” “history” or “political science.” This invisibility is political.”
― Michael S. Kimmel, Privilege: A Reader

To learn more about the term and what it does and doesn’t mean, check out these resources:

A Social Response to "All Lives Matter"

We feel ABC10 anchor Chris Thomas explains it best: (Content warning: Upsetting imagery)

What is Tone Policing?

“Tone policing happens during conversations or debates when one person, typically of greater privilege, thwarts a speaker's thoughts or opinions by reacting to their emotional tone. It detracts from the speaker's intended messages by focusing on the tone of the delivery rather than the content of the message thus allowing the distractor to establish their power in the conversation.” - Edith Campbell, Educators Must Mind Tone Policing

For more information on the issues of tone  policing, see these resources: