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Asian Studies


The Vietnamese Independence movement began in 1941 with Hồ Chí Min founding and creating the Viet Nam Doc Lap Dong Minh Hoi, League for the Independence of Vietnam, which was better known as the Việt Minh. After the abdication of Emperor Bảo Đại, who was essentially a puppet for the Japanese, Hồ Chí Min declared Vietnam as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV for short). Within 20 days, the French overthrew the DRV. Hồ Chí Min and the French held several discussions in regards to the future of Vietnam but there was no solution offered. In December 1946, a full blown war had begun.

In 1949 the French restored Emperor Bảo Đại to power in an attempt to stabilize Indochina, referring to it as the State of Vietnam. On July 21,1954 the Geneva Conference was attempting to tie any loose strings. It was decided that the northern half of Vietnam would go to the Việt Minh and the southern half would continue under Emperor Bảo Đại. In a year’s time, Emperor Bảo Đại was once again removed from power, this time by his Prime Minister; Ngô Đình Diệm. Diệm wished for a Republic with himself as the President. The voting was revealed to be fraudulent as there was a 98.2% favor of a Republic. The total number of votes compared to those registered to vote was off by 386,067. I’m not a math major, but even I know that’s WAY off. As Diệm’s government grew into control, insurgency began between the two sides and it gradually escalated into the Vietnam War by 1955.

Key terms

First Indochina War - War between France and Vietnam from 1946-1954, Vietnam trying to gain independence from French colonialism 

Viet Minh - Communist political organization formed by Ho Chi Minh and supported by China and the Soviet Union, fighting against colonialism

Geneva Accords - agreements from Geneva Conference in 1954, stating France would withdraw troops from Vietnam, who would become an independent nation. Vietnam was split in 2 halves until 1956

Ho Chi Minh - most important nationalist independence leader in Vietnam, founder of Viet Minh in 1941, president of North Vietnam 1945-1969. Communist ideas influenced by Mao Zedong, Karl Marx, and V.I. Lenin

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Listed below are several sources discussing the independence of Vietnam in the context of the Indochinese wars. 

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