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Educational Equity for Teachers


Artiles, A. J. (2011). Toward an interdisciplinary understanding of educational equity and difference: The case of the racialization of ability. Educational Researcher, 40(9), 431–445.

Bhopal, K. (2017). Addressing racial inequalities in higher education: Equity, inclusion and social justice. Ethnic & Racial Studies, 40(13), 2293–2299.

Brown, C. M. (2015). Possibilities and paradoxes in educational equity for African Americans. Journal of African American History, 100(4), 681-693.

Carter, P. L. (2015).  Educational equity demands empathy. Contexts, 14(4), 76-78.

Clark, P., Zygmunt, E., & Howard, T. C. (2016). Why race and culture matter in schools, and why we need to “Get This Right”: A conversation with Dr. Tyrone Howard. Teacher Educator, 51(4), 268–276.

Crenshaw, K. W. (2017). Race liberalism and the deradicalization of racial reform. Harvard Law Review, 130(9), 2298–2319.

Howard, T. C. (2016). Why Black Lives (and minds) Matter: Race, freedom schools & the quest for educational equity. Journal of Negro Education, 85(2), 101–113.

Jackson, T. O., & Howard, T. C. (2014). The continuing legacy of freedom schools as sites of possibility for equity and social justice for Black students. Western Journal of Black Studies, 38(3), 155–162.

Jagers, R. J., Rivas-Drake, D., & Williams, B. (2019). Transformative social and emotional learning (SEL): Toward SEL in service of educational equity and excellence. Educational Psychologist, 54(3), 162–184.

James, J. S., Skrla, L., & Johnson, J.F.. (2000). Thinking carefully about equity and accountability. The Phi Delta Kappan, 82(4), 293-299.

Milner, R. H., & Howard, T. C. (2004). Black teachers, Black students, Black communities, and brown: Perspectives and insights from experts. Journal of Negro Education, 73(3), 285-298.

Patton, L. D., Crenshaw, K., Haynes, C., & Watson, T. N. (2016). Why we can’t wait: (Re)Examining the opportunities and challenges for Black women and girls in education. Journal of Negro Education, 85(3), 194–198.

Ready, D. D., & Wright, D. L. (2011). Accuracy and inaccuracy in teachers’ perceptions of young children’s cognitive abilities: The role of child background and classroom context. American Educational Research Journal, 48(2), 335–360.

Santamaría, L. J. (2014). Critical change for the greater good: Multicultural perceptions in educational leadership toward social justice and equity. Educational Administration Quarterly, 50(3), 347–391

Toldson, I. A. (2019). Connections, links, and counterspaces in higher education: Connecting higher education and teacher preparation to educational equity. The Journal of Negro Education, 88(2), 101-110

Vossoughi, S., Hooper, P. K., & Escudé, M. (2016). Making through the lens of culture and power: Toward transformative visions for educational equity. Harvard Educational Review, 86(2), 206–232.

Woodward, B., & Howard, T. C. (2016). Creating educational excellence in the pipeline: Undergraduate African American Males’ perceptions of educational research and participation in the Black Male Project. Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men, 4(1), 99–125.

Policing Black Bodies


Early Childhood

Teacher Whiteness




School Segregation


Classroom Management Tools/Punishment/Bias: