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PSYCH 4301 - Reed

Using Boolean Operators

In the databases, you might sometimes see the words AND, OR, and NOT capitalized. These are called Boolean operators, and we use them to make relationships between keywords.

  • AND combines concepts and narrows your search
  • OR connects similar concepts and expands your search
  • NOT removes concepts based on a keyword and narrows your search

Most databases assume you want to search using AND, meaning you don't have to type it in the search box.

Tips for searching the library catalog

If your keyword search is too broad, try using field tags to tell the catalog where to search for your term.

  • Title - ti: [term]
  • Author - au: [term]
  • Subject - su: [term]

Use the filters to the left of your results to narrow results. Filters include:

  • Format - i.e. print book, ebook, article
  • Content type - i.e. full-text, peer-reviewed, open access
  • Subject area
  • Publication date
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